奖励与荣誉 |
1. 2008-2011 年度吉林大学“优秀党务工作者”<br/> 2. 2012-2014 年度吉林大学“三育人”优秀个人<br/> 3. 2014-2015 年度amjs澳金沙门线路首页“优秀党务工作者”<br/> 4. 2012-2015 年度吉林大学“优秀中层党务工作者”<br/> 5.2021年,获吉林大学实验室管理“双百工程”“党员示范岗”称号<br/> 6.2021-2022学年,获吉林大学本科“课堂教学质量奖”优秀奖<br/> 7.2021年,获教育部“高等学校科学研究成果科学技术进步一等奖”<br/> 8.2021年,入选吉林大学“唐敖庆学者”英才教授<br/> 9.2023年,荣获吉林大学第一届“最美导师”提名奖<br/> 10.2023年,入选“吉林省高层次C类人才”
代表性成果 |
1.Fangke Wanga,Yanhua Songa,Ruyan Xiea,Jingyao Lia,Xiaozhen Zhanga,Haijiao Xieb,Haifeng Zoua*.TiO2/PVA Based Composites: Visible Light Activated Rapid Dual-Mode optical Response. Chemical Engineering Journal 475(2023)146306.<br/> 2.J. Li a, Y. Song a, F. Wang a, X. Zhang a, H. Zhu a, H. Zou a*. Preparation of inorganic-framework molecularly imprinted TiO2/SiO2 nanofibers by one-step electrospinning and their highly selective photodegradation, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 10(15) (2023) 4456-4470.<br/> 3.Fangke Wanga, Yanhua Songa, Jingyao Lia, Xiaozhen Zhanga, Haiyuan Zhua, Haijiao Xieb, Haifeng Zoua*, Competitive sensitization effect towards Luminescence-tuned Lanthanide-doped TiO2/SiO2 Core-shell nanoparticles for enhanced responsivity oxygen detection. Applied Surface Science 614 (2023) 156263.<br/> 4.Zhibo Zhenga, Yanhua Songa, Baofeng Zhenga, Yanxia Zhaoa, Qilin Wangb, Xiangting Zhangc, Bo Zou*d, and Haifeng Zou*a. Eu2+ and Mn2+ co-doped Lu2Mg2Al2Si2O12 phosphors for high sensitivity and multi-mode optical pressure sensing [J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 10 (2023), 2788-2798.<br/> 5.Dan Zhanga, Baofeng Zhenga, Zhibo Zhenga, Liang Lib, Qing Yangc, Yanhua Songa*, Bo Zouc*, and Haifeng Zoua*, Multifunctional Ca9NaZn1-yMgy(PO4)7:Eu2+ phosphor for full-spectrum lighting, optical thermometry and pressure sensor applications[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 431(2022), 133805. |